O&P Ready for Spanish Tour

I´m so proud to annouce that the book is ready for launching. Starting in CollBlanc Gallery, Castellón.
I will keep you posted.

Painting as a Reflexive and Reflective Process

In Mar Vicente’s works the reflexive qualities of the paint and the reflective painting process are explicitly played out. Foremost, there are the laws of physics that establish the basis for the reflexive capacities of a painting that is radiating color through light, therewith providing the viewer with a certain optical as well as color information. On the other hand, to perceive a painting in a reflective way is a distinctively active process. For one thing, it affects the artist herself while reflecting on the necessary technical and manual processes in order to produce the desired effects and to communicate her intentions best possible. But to reflect on a work of art is in particular an active participatory act of the beholder who wants to fathom and investigate on how and why art is speaking to her the way it does.


Barbara Oettl 

Mar Vicente. OBJECT and PAINTING


Here I am, working in the artist edition of my book, O&P, almost ready!



OBJECT and PAINTING fresh baked!!!

Finally here´s the result of two years of intensive work.

Thank´s to RITTER VERLAG (Klagenfurt) for the great work.

Works from 2006 to 2018. 172 pages. Patricia Grzonka and Barbara Oettl are the authors of the texts which are in the languages German, Spanish and English.